Latest & Greatest - Sexual Orientation and the Law

Edited by Karen Moulding in conjunction with National Lawyers Guild Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Rights Committee

Published by Thomson Reuters (2015-2016)

KF 4754.5 .S49 2012

As the country is still reeling from the recent tragedy in Orlando and as the issue of LGBT equality and civil rights continues to rise to the forefront of the nation’s conscience, the Harris County Law Library would like to draw attention to a title of importance for this subject: Sexual Orientation and the Law. Though not new to our collection, Sexual Orientation and the Law attempts to capture all of the legal issues and the changes in the law that bear upon the LGBT community. The legalization of same-sex marriage has had a profound effect on many areas of the law, but none more remarkable than those affecting the family. Courts have been looking differently at issues involving custody, parentage, and adoption in addition to matters involving unmarried partners, and this two-volume set takes a comprehensive look at each aspect of this developing area of law.

Of concern as well is the sexual orientation issue as it arises in the course of employment and military service. The authors address discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace, strategies for obtaining domestic partnership benefits, and military discharge reviews. The authors also devote an entire chapter to the representation of transgender clients in matters such as changing identifying documents, handling employment discrimination claims, and getting protection from violence while imprisoned. They also discuss the special issues that arise when representing clients with HIV/AIDS, including health, financial, and estate planning and obtaining public benefits and insurance coverage.

Sexual Orientation and the Law is rich with practical information to assist you in understanding the unique issues faced by members of the LGBT community and how to handle them when your next client comes through your door.