Latest & Greatest – Paperless in One Hour for Lawyers

By Sheila M. Blackford & Donna S. M. Neff

Published by American Bar Association Law Practice Division (2014)

KF 318 .B53 2014

Joining the other titles in this series, Paperless in One Hour for Lawyers introduces the solo or small-firm attorney to the art of becoming less dependent on paper and becoming more comfortable with the idea of going paperless. Organized as a series of lessons, this book guides the lawyer through the process of transitioning to a digital office. The authors discuss the hardware and software needed to better enable the change, cloud-based storage, and useful apps that will make it easier for lawyers to go paperless. In addition, the authors offer some suggestions on procedures and protocols that allow attorneys to manage the documents that are now stored digitally. They even explain how to create an electronic signature and an authenticated digital signature. (Yes, there is a difference. Check out Lesson 7 for the explanation). Also, because client information will most likely be involved in the transition to go paperless, there is a lesson devoted to ethical considerations. In the back of the book, there is a listing of many useful books, blogs, publications, and websites that could help in the quest to dig yourself out from under all of those paper piles.

So, what are you waiting for? Why drown in all of the paper? Learn to ditch the paper in 60 minutes with Paperless in One Hour for Lawyers.