Ticket Help Texas

Image by succo from Pixabay

Image by succo from Pixabay

Texas Appleseed, a nonprofit organization that seeks to change unjust laws and promote social and economic justice, has collaborated with Texas Fair Defense Project to create a toolkit, Ticket Help Texas, that is designed to assist people who owe fines and fees in criminal cases but who are unable to pay. The failure to pay these fines and costs can lead to some damaging results, such as an arrest warrant, time in jail, or the inability to renew a driver’s license. Ticket Help Texas provides resources and information for people who have a Class C misdemeanor or a fine-only misdemeanor. Some of the topics for which users will find information are plea options and their consequences, deferred adjudication eligibility, renewal of a vehicle registration, and resolution of OmniBase holds. The website also offers some practical information about what you can do if you received a ticket that you are unable to pay or ordered to pay an amount that you cannot afford, if you are unsure about your ability to complete community service, if you are receiving notices from a collection agency, if the court is requiring you to obtain car insurance, and if a warrant has been issued for your arrest. There is even a section addressing occupational driver’s licenses (ODLs). (Additional information about ODLs can be found on TexasLawHelp.org.) Users will also find sample documents and forms, general advice for appearing in court, a webinar about restoring a driver’s license and resolving tickets, a glossary, and a listing of Texas legal organizations that may be able to help.